Even with the basement not completely put together, we’re already starting our next project: Building a New Shed. Out existing shed is a rusty leaking mess, that’s needed to be replaced for about a year now. We know it’s going to be a lot of work, but after spending so much on the basement we feel we can and need to do the work ourselves.
I forgot to take any before shots, here’s a few from the archives with the old shed in the background:
It was definitely an ugly shed, but it was pretty well obscured by greenery. Like the basement, the shed was was full of stuff from the previously owner. I began by clearing out the shrubbery around the shed while Jamie worked on pulled everything out. Which included two dead mice and several live mice. Here's a shot from this morning after all of Saturday's hard work.
We’ll be building on the existing concrete pad, but will increasing the size by about 25 sq ft by enclosing what is now the concrete entry. Plus we’ll be making the shed taller, the current shed about 6 feet, Jamie can’t even stand up in it.
Here's some action shots of the demo:
I forgot to take any pictures at the end of the day to show you all of Jamie's hard work, but I'll take and post some later in the week.
i am sure all of your boys enjoyed the demolition!